Get Prepared
New digital technologies and AI (artificial intelligence), global trends and crises are having a far-reaching impact on the economy, society, the world of work and the expectations, needs and behavior of customers (B2B and B2C). “Business as usual” is no longer possible; it would be tantamount to taking a step backwards. That is why, in addition to consulting, strategy and concept development, we support our clients with training programmes that enable the organization, managers and employees to achieve goals, shape the future and successfully implement strategies. Our training courses focus on the factors that are critical to success: BRAND & IDENTITY, INNOVATION & CHANGE, LEADERSHIP & CULTURE, NEW WORK with specials for convention centre, event arena and concert hall as well as cities.
Workshop – Seminar – Training – Coaching – Expert Talk – Impulse Lecture – Fishbowl – Lunch & Learn – World Café – Open Space – Reverse Pitch Competition – Future Lab – Design Café –
Bench-Learning live etc.
We offer you selected, tried-and-tested and sustainably successful training courses with which you can train your managers and employees effectively and efficiently and make them fit for the future. Our training formats enable and encourage participants to master their current challenges sustainably and actively shape the future. They offer a finely orchestrated transfer of specialist knowledge and new insights, skills, methods and techniques in accordance with the respective topic. They are tailored specifically and in every detail to the objectives and participants (top management, executives, employees, decision-makers, project teams, etc.). We provide you with tailor-made support ranging from holistic concepts & implementation programs (example: “Brand Profile Sharpening & Implementation”) to precisely tailored training (example: “Change Agent” training or “Resilience Empowerment” workshop for selected groups of participants). Get in touch with us:
We work with innovative, effective, scientifically based training methods. Each training program is orchestrated to meet the needs of the customer and the participants. They are fundamentally geared towards
High learning effects through EMPOWERMENT approach, interaction, reflection, live exercises, trainer feedback
Strong practical relevance: work on specific examples/tasks/questions posed by the participants; direct transfer to their everyday working life
Increased effectiveness & efficiency: systematic, solution- and customer-oriented approach; teaching of appropriate methods & techniques
Deep understanding & anchoring: recognizing causes, teaching neuroscientific findings, continuous practical transfer into the participants’ day-to-day work, live exercises
Future orientation: strengthening creativity & new thinking; promoting change competence; gaining new impulses, perspectives and alternative approaches; strengthening personal responsibility & accountability; new thinking and learning through Bench-Learning live.
Scientifically sound: They are based on scientific findings (including neuroscience and psychology)
Decades of experience: Our training courses are based on our decades of experience and in-depth specialist expertise.
We offer the formats in 3 interaction rooms:
Presence: The format takes place with all participants in the physical space.
Hybrid: Orchestrated networking of face-to-face formats in the physical space with formats in the virtual space. With blended learning on request.
Virtual (e): The format takes place in a virtual space (eLive Training, eLive Coaching, eLive Workshop, eLive Panel, etc.). Our virtual training courses are video-based, remote face-to-face, interactive, cooperative, in real time, with live experience, with real-time feedback.
Common Purpose, Vision, Mission
Value Proposition
Customer Experience (CX, UX)
Personal Branding
Brand Leadership & CX for event veues for EVVC Academy
Cross Innovation
Innovation in digital age
Blue Ocean innovation approach
Design Thinking innovation approach
Actively adapting to changing environments
Actively shaping the future
Empowerment for the ability to change
Resilience empowerment (resilience for performance)
Agile leadership and work
Leadership 5.0
Leadership in hybrid working environments
Working in remote teams
Effective meetings in the hybrid working world
Mastering new challenges with motivation
Digital Leadership
Purpose & Corporate Responsibility
Resilience empowerment for sustainable goal achievement
Booster to secure the future – Bench-Learning live is the innovative management learning to lead your own organisation effectively and sustainably into a successful future:
- gain relevant impulses customised (on a specific topic/task/challenge)
- Immerse yourself in another world to learn new things
- gain valuable ideas for your own organisation and your own work
- gain new insights
- Take concrete measures to improve your own practice
- Bench-Learning live works on the following levels: organisation, department/team, person
Practical brand management
Unique customer experience (CX, UX)
Umbrella brand or single brand – brand synergies for multiple event venues
Vision of the future
Smart City / Smart Island
The city / region as a brand
Citizen participation & vibrant communities
Cultural change – internal change processes
Digital transformation
The city as a campus
Making public administration fit for the future